1st Silesian Landwehr Infantry Regiment,1815As 3rd Battalion, 1st Silesian Landwehr Infantry Regiment we portray all aspects of campaign life, from resting in lager (camp) to taking our place, bayonets fixed, in the firing line.
Our aim is to depict a unit of seasoned campaigners: not the best-trained maybe, but tough, patriotic and experienced. We can muster twenty firing wehrmen under the command of a senior non-commissioned officer. Back in lager the men are kept busy cleaning kit, making and repairing clothes and helping our lager bande - the incredible team of camp followers who keep us fed and watered.
Solid research and continuous learning are central to our Prussian portrayal and we aim to achieve a high level of authenticity: drill commands are taken from period manuals; orders are delivered in German; our clothes, uniforms weapons and equipment are based on a range of historical sources; we even eat Silesian recipes when the rations allow!
Many of our members are experienced re-enactors, always ready to engage with the public and provide an insight into all aspects of the period we portray.
We are always happy to hear from potential recruits and look forward to expanding our unit.
As part of the Prussian Army we have had opportunities to take part in events across Europe, from Leipzig to Waterloo, and work closely with other Landwehr groups from across the continent.
1. Elb-Landwehr Regiment Mit Gott für König und Vaterland! |